Thanks to a late birthday present from my mom and the burning hole in my son's pocket, our family, at last, has experienced Rock Band. Yes, we bought, we played and we rocked! All of this sounds lame to 75% of you because you mastered all of the songs a week after Christmas, AND, you got the whole complete set, from Santa, of course, at a big discount. None of that matters now. I have drumsticks and I can play.
Should I go into a whole complete review of the masterfully designed piece of ingenuity that is old news to everyone else? Should I thank my boss who introduced me to the revolution I had so vehemently resisted? Or, should I just comment on the brilliance of the creators of Rock Band 2 Special Editionwho really know how to bring a family together? I really think I should just shut the you-know-what up and let music do the talking. After all, that is what got me into this mess.
This is how I feel.
If I can sneak a video of my husband singing Nirvana onto YouTube, I'll post a link. Shhhh!